Sioux Falls Real Estate Appraisers
Whether you’re purchasing commercial real estate, selling commercial real estate, developing land as an investment, or conducting any other type of real estate transaction in Sioux Falls, a professional property appraisal will streamline the process and establish the fair market value of any property. Most official real estate forms and documents include a line item of the estimated property value, yet only a licensed and certified appraiser is qualified to provide a completely objective evaluation along with a detailed and comprehensive written report.
Commercial - Industrial
Appraisal Reports
What can a certified appraiser do for you? professionals We are fully licensed in South Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota and are available to assist you with:
Following the onsite Elwood & Martin Appraisals, LLC appraisers estimate the market value of the real estate and comply with the regulations set forth by the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices (USPAP). For mortgage lending appraisals, we comply with USPAP and FIRREA.
Our services include:

The Appraisal Process
The appraisal process includes the research, compilation and analysis of all pertinent data as it relates to your specific requirements. Elwood & Martin Appraisals, LLC provides appraisal Reports and Restricted Use Appraisals.
Interior Viewing
We will view the interior and exterior of the property as well as taking measurements and photographs of the property.
Property Condition
Includes the specifics of construction, property layout, number of rooms and specific features, equipment; improvements and renovations.
Neighborhood and surrounding areas
An analysis is made on a property’s proximity to services, facilities and amenities as they may (or may not) relate and affect its market value.
Property Classification
Public records are analyzed to confirm sales and make comparisons in the particular Sioux Falls region. Buyers, sellers, realtors and local lenders are also interviewed in verifying comparable sales. A range of public records and sources are used including zoning records, tax data, professional associations and other applicable publications.
Calculating the Market Value
Sales Comparison
The Sales Comparison Approach compares sales of similar properties with the subject property. Each comparable sale is adjusted for its inferior or superior characteristics. The values derived from the adjusted comparable sales form a range of value for the subject. By process of correlation and analysis, a final indicated value is derived.
Cost Approach
The Cost Approach is summarized as follows:
Cost New
(+)Land Value
Income Capitalization Approach
The Income Capitalization Approach converts the anticipated flow of future benefits (income) to a present value estimate through a capitalization and or a discounting process.
Elwood & Martin Appraisals, LLC provides complete appraisal services for:
Commercial properties including, but not limited to:
- office
- retail
- medical office
- dental clinics
- banks
- industrial buildings
- restaurants
- fast food properties
- big box retail
- and much more
Special use appraisals including, but not limited to:
- golf courses
- churches
- convenience stores
- hotels
- camp grounds
- mobile home parks
And more:
- Multi-Family properties
- New construction appraisals
- Condominium appraisals
- Acreage appraisals
- Land appraisals
- Subdivisions analysis, both existing and proposed
Please call us for more information or for a consultation on your commercial, multifamily, special use or industrial property.
CALL NOW! (605) 271 - 0351